To use this grapher, highlight the function that is there now. Retype the function that you would like to see graphed.  

The following notation will be useful.

^           For exponents

sqrt(     For square roots

log(     for logarithms,base 10

ln(        for logarithms, base e

 e          acts as e

The knife on the upper right hand corner works as a zoom-in box . Just click on it and then drag out an area to be zoomed.  The rocket zooms out the entire graph.

Drag the mouse on  the graph for a different viewing window.

All functions must be in y  = form.

Note: to undo, just reload the page with the browser's reload button.

To go back to the page you were on previous to this page, use your browser's back button.

© Joan Bookbinder 1998 1999