Please print    

out all




  1. When you start a new unit, please print out the web pages  (including this one, the syllabi, and the informational pages) that are associated with the unit. This includes the graphing calculator notes page and also any reference links that may be there. All pages should go into a looseleaf notebook for you to refer to while you are working on the chapter and for future reference. There is no need to print the pages out in color, but it is a nice touch to see links and highlighted text.

  2. Please photocopy and keep a copy of any materials that you mail (or FAX) to me. You should also print out a copy of any E-mail to me that are important, such as a quiz or a homework assignment. Each of these should also go into the notebook within the associated unit.    Organization is very important in this course. Please make sure all E-mail has your real name on it and not just your E-mail address.

  3. Please make sure you have an up-to-date web browser.  Microsoft Explorer  is recommended.  You should be able to see following symbols  < is a less than sign    > is a greater than sign. If you cannot see these then please update your webbrowser.  There is some Java script in the course. Please make sure your browser can read many browsers cannot handle the applets.  

  4. There are some quizes and handouts using Adobe Acrobat reader. Please look for the links to their site for download on the  plug-in page. This is an easy program to use and allows you to view long files which would be difficult to put into HTML for viewing. It is a plug-in for your browser. You will also need a plug-in for MathViewTM.  You can download from the plug-ins page.

  5. There are also some forms on the web site that can be filled in and submitted from the internet.. Through experience, I have determined that not everyone can submit these from their computers (especially if they are using a work computer in a secure area)  Below is a sample form for you to fill out. Just type in the white spaces or click an arrow to get to your choice on a mulltiply choice question.


E-Mail address

How many years has it been since the last algebra course you have taken

Explain briefly why you are taking College Algebra.  Just type in the box.   

Do you have any comments or questions for me?    

What grade do you expect in here? A     B       C

Please email me that you have submitted this form with the date and time. If I do not get it in a way that can be read at my end, then I will give you instructions as how to submit quizes in this format. Thanks a lot,


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© Joan Bookbinder 1998  All rights reserved