Please print out all important information.

 Assessment and Testing   


The course is divided  into eight  units which parallel chapters in the text book and the CD-ROM. There will be  problems in each unit for you to do. The answers to the odd problems in  can be found  in the Student's Solution Manual or on the CD. If you do not understand the procedures outlined in your manuals, then please seek help from me or post a message on the WebBoard. There will also be  assigned problems  which are to be turned in to me either through forms, real mail, E-Mail or fax. If they are not correct, comments will be sent back to you to help you get understand your mistakes.  These graded assignments will count 10% of your grade.


There will be a series of quizes and tests online. Some will be emailed back and others faxed or mailed back to me for correcting. This is 60% of your grade. Each Unit will count as 1/8 of the total percentage for this portion.The Final Exam  is comprehensive and includes material from the entire course is worth  30% of your grade. However, a grade of "C" or better must be achieved on the Final in order to get an "A" or"B" in the course.



You will take the final exam at the Learning Center on Campus SRC 108. The times and hours of the Learning Center will be posted with information on these exams. You will need to bring your graphing calculator with you to these exams. You will also need to bring photo proof of identification with you.

*If you are an out-of-district student, please contact the instructor to make arrangements for off site testing with a proctor.

ECC Policy on Plagiarism


E.C.C. Statement of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism is the presentation of another person's written words or ideas as one's own. At its worst, it is deliberate dishonesty, as in the case of copying another student's work and presenting it as one's own; or in the case of copying work from a book or article and presenting it as one's own. Such a blatant, deliberate act amounts to academic theft and is a highly serious offense within the college community. The Mathematics Department recommends that a student guilty of deliberate plagiarism will receive an automatic grade of "F" for the entire course in which the plagiarism occurs. Another kind of plagiarism may sometimes be the result of ignorance, fear, or insecurity. This kind of plagiarism presents the words or ideas of another person or writer without proper quotation marks, documentation, acknowledgment or citation of the source. For example, all words copied from another source must always be placed in quotation marks and correctly   documented by author and page. Failure to do so is a form of plagiarism. Also, ideas and information which are not "common knowledge" -- that is broadly known to most high school graduates -- must be documented by author and page. The Mathematics Department recommends that a student guilty of this type of plagiarism, whether intentional or out of ignorance, will receive an "F" on the assignment in which the misrepresentation occurs. Cases of plagiarism or suspected plagiarism will be handled between the student and the instructor of the course. Subsequent actions may include notification of the appropriate dean and/or the counseling service.  

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©Joan Bookbinder 1998 All rights reserved