PLUG-IN Resource Page

This course relies on two plug-ins. You will need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader and the LiveMath Plug-in. Please remember the directory that the plugin is downloaded to, and the name of the file. Exit your browser, find the file in Windows Explorer and double-click the file. Follow the instructions as they appear.

Click on the icons below to go to the site
to find the appropriate plug-in to read
many files in this web course.


Click on the image to get

After the LiveMath plug-in is installed on your computer,
click here on the to see sample and informational page.


Click on the graphic below to see a sample 3D graph in LIveMath

Throughout this course there will be LiveMath notebooks for you to explore.
Some will be embedded in a page, others will be found
by clicking on the icon  shown below.


For more help on the web on how to use  the LiveMath plugin, click here.

Use the browser's back button to return to your previous page

©Joan Bookbinder 1998 1999 - 2001