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Section 4-7

Self Quiz -
not graded

Quiz 1  Chapter 4


Unit 4 - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

This chapter focuses on exponential and logarithmic functions and their application to real life problems.

Graphing Calculator Skills needed for this chapter.

Section 4.1 Exponential Functions and their Graphs

exp This section explores functions in the form of y = ax similar to the graph on  the left.  

Highlights and Objectives :

Evaluate exponential functions on the calculator. The symbol ^ on the calculator is used for exponents.

3^4 = 34 = 81

Apply properties of exponents to simplify exponential functions. 34 *35 = 39.

Identify and evaluate functions with the natural exponential function with base e.

Graph exponential functions and identify asymptotes.

No support for LM Objects

Apply exponential function to real life problems including compound interest.

Click on the LiveMath symbol to further explore exponential graphs

Section 4.2 Logarithmic Functions
This section explores the inverse of the exponential function, the logarithmic function, y = logax  

Highlights and objectives

Understand the definition of Logarithms including the natural log, ln

Evaluate logarithmic expression.

Use the properties of logarithms on Page 331 to evaluate and simplify logarithmic expressions.

Find the domain and range of logarithmic functions.

Sketch the graphs of logarithmic functions.

Click on the LiveMath logo to explore logarithmic graphs                   

Mystery graph

Section 4.3 Properties of Logarithms

This section explores the algebraic properties of logarithms which are use in later math for simplification. The calculator is used very little, if at all, in this section.

Highlights and Objectives:

Apply the change of base formula.

Rewrite the Logarithm of a Product and of a Quotient.

Condense a logarithmic expression.

log( x + 2) + log ( 2x - 3)
  = log[(x + 2)(2x-3)]     

Use the properties and definitions to evaluate logarithms without a calculator.

Ex 74 page 346      


log4 2 + log432
log4(2*32) = log4(64)

4 to what power is 64?

 answer is 3

Using the special properties of Logarithms and exponential functions  to simplify and evaluate expressions

 log (10b ) = b     10log c = c

 ln (eb ) = b           elnc = c  


  Click on the LiveMath logoto further explore logartihmc properties online.



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