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MTH 112 Section 97

     Joan Bookbinder    

    Office ICT 205 Ph  847 697 1000 ext 7505

Office Hours

Course description:

Survey of algebra which provides advanced techniques for further mathematics courses. It concentrates on the theory of equations, logarithms, exponential functions, matrices, sequences, and conic sections.

Text package:

College Algebra, a Graphing Approach  Larson, Hostetler, & Edwards, 2nd Edition, Houghton Mifflin.
This package comes with a CD ROM and other materials .

Course Outline:

               Unit 0 - Course Preliminaries

               Unit 1 - Functions and Their Graphs

               Unit 2 - Intercepts, Zeros, and Solutions

               Unit 3 - Polynomials and Rational Functions

               Unit 4 - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

               Unit 5 - Systems of Equations and Inequalities

               Unit 6 - Matrices and Determinants

               Unit 7 - Sequences and Probability

               Unit 8 - Conics  


  • 90 -100         A
  • 80 - 89          B
  • 70 - 79          C      
  • 60 - 69          D   
  • below 60       F

             Written Assignments turned in and Webboard Postings  10 %  

             Quizzes, tests online submitted to the instructor             60%

Each of the 8 Units will count 1/8 of this portion

              Final Examination       Taken ON CAMPUS                  30%

*Note: You cannot receive an "A" or "B" without getting at least a "C" on the Final exam.

Time factors:

The course is a 16 week course. There are eight units. You should complete each unit within approximately a two week time frame. The on-campus classes meet for 4 hours each week with the instructor and students are expected to put in at least two hours for every one hour of lecture. A comparable time frame would be to spend approximately 4- 5 hours per week reading the text and working on the CD ROM and at least 8 hours per week doing assignments and working on problems. Some students may require more time and others less.  Please look for deadlines on the web pages and on the WebBoard posting.

Other requirements:

Graphing calculator  TI 83   (TI 82 acceptable)

Frequently Asked Questions

MTH 112 Home Page WebBoard E-mail Prof.Bookbinder

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 ©Joan Bookbinder 1998 All rights reserved.